Friday, August 28, 2015

Praise and Adoration

We are here.  WE are here.  We are HERE.  We are so Happy to be here!  In this NOW We come before you with the Soul purpose to profoundly encourage you, lift you up high, and remind you that you can and will and do FLY.  Our prime intention is to express the awe we feel when we look upon you.  In this NOW we are going to douse you over and over again with the energy of Praise!  It is our hope that when you finish reading this that you will feel the connection to the amazing, abundant, and perfect Being that you are in such a way that you will stand up tall and fully embody the powerful Multidimensional SELF that you are.   

There simply are not adequate words that could describe the depth of Love we feel for you or that could even begin to express how incredibly proud we are of you and everything that you are accomplishing.  We are watching, amazed, as you take giant leaps and bounds right into your higher consciousness.  The Light emanating from you NOW is absolutely and brilliantly blinding!  It is spreading all over your planet exponentially NOW with wave upon wave of the Love that it embodies.  The joy this brings us is palpable.    All of us have found ourselves often pausing just to gaze upon you and cheer!  We see Love taking hold and catching fire everywhere you are!  Gaia is wholly glowing with the weight of this light you now carry and she is refracting it off her surface in such intricate and beautiful geometric patterns.  These patterns are truly breathtaking to behold. She has fully come into her glory NOW. We cannot take our eyes off of her!  

Gaia is feeling your love and respect for her like never before.  She does indeed feel your bare feet upon her surface grounding your intent and energy into her core as you reach out to her from within bringing forth your deep desire to Love, give, transmute, and transform.  You have at last begun to dance under her full moon with abandon and grace. You gaze upon her beauty with reverence, appreciation, and awe.  You reach out often to gently stroke her plants and vegetation with gratitude and joy.  You immerse yourself upon her dirt and grass while staring with wonder up into her clouds with so much hope and dedication to her glory.  You dive into the deep of her waters with great purpose and passion in order to connect with her in ways that uplift both of you and pull you higher and higher and still higher.  She feels your adoration as you glance around you and marvel at her beauty and resilience in the face of everything she has endured.  You have given her courage, you have given her hope, and you have given her the Love she needs to push herself through these lower levels into New Life.  Every single second of Love, attention and focus you have brought up from within yourself and carefully spread outward onto our precious Gaia is carrying both of you quickly and directly away from the heaviness and toil within the 3rd dimensional energy boundaries straight into the widely open door of the 5th dimension where unfathomable abundance and freedom await. You both have decided to ascend TOGETHER!  We cannot even begin to express the indescribable and blissful joy this brings to us as we watch this happen right before our eyes.  Next to you, we have been blessed with the best seats in the house!

Know NOW, with no doubt within yourselves dear and beloved humans, OUR dear and beloved brothers and sisters, that you have done it!  You have succeeded!  You are now transitioning into a 5th dimensional awareness and reality.  You have landed on safe ground.  You are SAFE.  Do you understand?  The energies of the 3rd dimension can not hurt you any longer.  You are free to spread your wings, to look with intent at what it is you NOW desire to create, and to rest assured that desire WILL absolutely come to manifestation. 

You may at last stop holding your breath in fear.  Fear is fading away, back into the nothingness from whence it was brought forth. You may at last take deep, restful, and peaceful breaths that will be anchored right into the heart of the Violet Flame of our Mother and Father God.  With each inhalation you breathe in this healing emanation of pure Love directly from the beautiful Violet Flame.  With each exhalation you breathe out this healing emanation of pure Love and spread it outward, everywhere, into All That Is.  Truly there is no thing more perfect or beautiful than knowing this to be true.  There is no thing more wonderful and reverent then making this a conscious knowing with every breath you breathe.  Breath is consciousness.  Breath is the greatest, most profound gift that our Mother and Father God bestowed upon us.  Breath is our connection to Love.

It is in this NOW that you are releasing your ego consciousness and the personality connected with it and reconnecting to and remembering your Soul consciousness and its personality.  Your Soul is your TRUE SELF and carries within its core all of what you have been, are now, and will be. All of which, our dear ones, is manifest NOW! You will NOW begin to experience yourself as the everything you are all at once!  Your Soul will NOW be whom guides you, and who you will predominantly hear, that will prompt you to continue to release the old programming of ego and adopt the urgings of your True personality as you gain more and more awareness of its soft and gentle presence.

You will still be aware of the rumblings and fear mongering within the 3D.  You will still be aware of the horrors and atrocities that others are carrying out around you.  Realize that these individuals whom are still creating and manifesting these negative and dark situations have made the choice to continue within this 3rd dimensional level of consciousness.  Allow them their path.  It is their choice and the exercise of their Free Will.  But also realize that they no longer have the ability to affect you directly, unless you allow them to.  You are moving up.  You will still feel anger and sorrow surrounding them, but not as often or with as much attention toward those emotions.  

Continuing to experience the reactions of anger and sorrow is totally okay and is to be expected for awhile.  Please know having any negative feeling does not mean you are reverting backwards.  Going backwards is NOT a possibility.  There is no going back, ever.  Trust this and let peace finally come to rest within your heart.  With peace alighted there at last, what you will begin to notice is that the energies of 3D will be more on the outskirts, and on the fringes of your consciousness affecting you less and less.  The feelings of negativity are simply residual energies that you will continue to release as you begin to let the feeling of peace be your dominant emotion.  Rest NOW with the assuredness that the energies of the 3D will continue to fade and be released from your consciousness, never to return.  This is a promise.  This is Truth.

The key to staying within the NOW and gradually allowing the emotion of peace to become your dominant emotion is to stay grounded in and focused on what it is you WANT NOW.  What do you want to feel?  What do you want to see manifest?  What do you want to experience?  Allow yourself to truly begin to dream!  What do you see as your bliss?  Keep yourself pointed in that direction. That is the path to joy.  

You are so incredibly and wholly worthy to experience the emotion of joy, do you know and understand that?  It is your birthright!  It is NOW imperative that you begin to figure out what your joy is and keep your thoughts focused there!  When you begin to feel negative tendrils reaching into your consciousness simply observe that they are there.  Try to stay neutral about them.  Remember the negative is just residual energy from 3D and it is fading away moment by moment.  Forgive yourself.  Do not be tempted to judge yourself and your state of being when you feel negative.  Observe its presence, bless it, release it, and CHOOSE again.  

Here's what this would look like in your life on a practical level:  You just got cut off in traffic yet again.  You feel anger creeping in and your middle finger twitching to extend.  Observe it.  Realize in this moment you are still drawing circumstantial energy toward you that causes discomfort.  This is part of the residual 3D energy that is fading away.  Breathe.  Literally inhale and exhale, consciously connecting yourself to the Violet Light that emanates pure Love and send your anger and twitching middle finger into it to be burned away and purified.  Then forgive the situation for being what it is and send blessings and light to your fellow brother or sister whom cut you off.  Remember they are going through the same residual 3D energy you are.  In true reality they mean you no harm.  

If you can consciously keep yourself directed toward the light, constantly reminding yourself what it is you want NOW and where your joy resides, you will find yourself connected less and less to these negative experiences.  You will then witness your life transform before your very eyes into the bliss you have always been seeking. This is the joy of beginning to live in 5D reality!  Focus on your higher SELF, your Soul, and you will feel this 5th dimensional energy become stronger and more powerful within your day to day existence.

The final thing We wish to convey to you before We go for NOW is the deep and intense gratitude We feel toward you and for you.  Thank you for being the boots on the ground and for taking on such hard and intensive work.  We know that none of this has been easy in any way.  You knew it wouldn't be, yet you chose to come anyway.  We are STILL in awe of that choice!  We have watched as many of you faltered or fell.  We have witnessed you endure intense pain and sorrow.  We have felt you cry out.  We have sat still and waited in silence as many of you felt as though you could not keep going any furthur or endure one more moment of agony, yet you still got up, you still continued on.  We observed in wonder as you struggled to remember who you truly are and triumphed.  

This has been an incredible journey for Us as we've witnessed you recover the Light within you, extend it out to the All, and then turn around and ground it back into your reality.  Thank you, thank you, thank you our dear, beloved brothers and sisters for making that choice over and over again.  Thank you for giving your existence here everything you've got within you and more.  You have triumphed, you truly have!  It is because of your willingness to look at all the angles of the obstacles you found in your way, and to then proceed to tackle them head on and knock them out of your way with the solutions you found, that we NOW stand poised on the precipice of a new and glorious existence!  All of Us, together.  For We are One.  We cannot and will not go forward without You.  You will not and cannot go forward without Us.  You are Us, We are You.  We are bonded together by the Love of our Father and our Mother God.  We need each other.  So with this knowing and this gratitude We will keep extending Love and assistance toward you as you all step through the door into our new and beautiful reality.  We cannot wait to see what you do NOW!

We Love ~ We will return...    



Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Dimensions, Ascension, and Spirit! Oh my!

Yes, it is true.  We are moving beyond the limitations of this 3rd and 4th dimensional reality that we perceive ourselves to be anchored in.  We, along with our planet, Gaia, are in the process of ascending into the 5th dimensional NOW.  The rules of 3D life are fading away and you may in fact be clearly sensing this yet not knowing what it is that is happening.  

Perhaps you find yourself much less interested in the events surrounding you that used to cause you great concern.  As you begin moving out of the energy of the 3D you automatically will find yourself letting go of the attachments that hold you here.  You may find that although you still care, you are no longer activated with a need to react to the things that seem to be so "wrong" around you, or that seem to have a great need to be "fixed."  Rest assured this does not mean you are becoming calloused or apathetic.  It simply means you are moving up.  

Leaving the reality of the 3D level means that you also leave behind the negative energy that is playing out here.  You are leaving all the various modes of fear to fade away from your consciousness.  These modes of fear will be left for those who still desire to remain in the lower levels of consciousness for them to play out to the final outcome. But that is not your choice, or you would not be here reading this.  YOU are not remaining here. You are moving up.

5th dimensional consciousness is much different than what you have been used to.  It is a continuous, circular, and infinite energy that is constantly transmuting and always expanding.  The 5th dimension does not experience the disruption of time for it is energy on a frequency that is always in the NOW.  In the 3rd dimension you are continually waiting on time to catch up and take you where you want to be, to allow you the manifestation of what you are desiring to create.  What you are waiting for is the energy field of your thought to travel down into the frequency range of the 3rd dimension.  3rd dimensional thought held within the illusion of "time" creates the illusion that "space" is needed between your thought and its manifestation(the space-time continuum). - This is not Truth. The truth is time and space are ONE.  It is only 3rd and 4th dimensional perception that makes you perceive them to be two different dimensions. They are not. There is no time and all thought manifests simultaneously without exception. It is your belief in the illusion of time that keeps you from being aware of this reality.  

It is your 3rd dimensional self that is always seeking "outside" itself for answers and directions.  It is when you begin to go within for answers, seeking the "something more, the better way," that you will begin to awaken to your multidimensional SELF with an interdimensional consciousness that will free you from the barriers of the 3rd dimensional boundaries you have built around you.  

When you begin to tap into this consciousness within, that is also when your desire to ascend and connect with the ALL, the Everything, becomes an insatiable hunger, and an unquenchable thirst.  You will find that you cannot rest or find peace until you are putting forth as much effort and energy as you can into achieving this desire to ascend.  This feeling of separation you've been carrying around within you for lifetime upon lifetime will no longer be acceptable.  You are moving up.

You will find your SELF begin to blend the desire to ascend with your daily life.  This means that as you begin to seek from within the way into this new 5th dimensional reality, you will begin to remember how to live in two, or more, realities at once.  You will find the Bridge that has been waiting to connect your 3rd dimensional self to the true reality of YOU, which is a multidimensional, interdimensional consciousness that is always connected to and always creating from this multidimensional reality.  

This Bridge that you will discover and that has been waiting for you is Spirit, the Voice for God. Spirit is the one whom has traveled with you throughout all of space and time, through every illusion you have made from within and without, and who has never left you in all of your existence...not for even one moment.  Spirit constantly guides you, prompts you, pulls and pushes you.  Spirit is in continual, never ending communication with you, using every avenue available in your consciousness to call you back to the Creator, back to Mother and Father God, back to your Home and True Reality.

Spirit will help you remember that you are only visiting this 3rd and 4th dimension. This reality is not and has never been your home.  Spirit will help you reconnect with the truth and what it means to be a multidimensional being with an infinite range of consciousness whose Home is literally EVERYWHERE within the NOW of the ONE!  Spirit will reconnect you to the indisputable knowing that what you are is Pure Consciousness, which is Love.  YOU are pure Love which has no boundaries! When you understand this you will understand everything, and understand you shall!  Spirit will see to it.  We dare you to truly believe this.  Dare to believe...You are moving up.

We are here ~ We Love ~ We will return...



I sit here poised to begin this new adventure and I feel excitement mixed with fear.  Will I figure this blogging thing out enough to get it into the world?  Will the words come that will help others?  Will anyone notice or care?  Hell, will I simply remember to hit shift to capitalize the word I and realize I can't double space to get a period?(Nope, not on an iPhone anymore, this is real typing! Lol) - But it's not about that is it?  It's not about getting it just right or worrying about how this blog is going to come about or take off.  It's not about me.

Now I've veered off course to get my font personalized and to add some color.  This is okay.  This is important too, this getting things in line, getting comfortable with this venture.  I think I like this font.  Let's try this color...How's this one?  Yes...this is the one.  It is the color of the Violet Flame.  It is the color of the pink flame of Mother and the blue flame of Father God, merged.  I like that.

That is what this blog is going to be about, or who it's from actually.  This blog will be musings from the many and the few...The Mother, the Father, Spirit, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mary; mother of Jesus, Angels, Ascended Masters, the Arcturians, Hathors, Pleiadians, Sirians and maybe others as we go along.  I'm not always made aware of whom the message is from, other times it is crystal clear whom I'm listening too.  When I can I will always try to make you aware of who is speaking.  I know that's important to us.  

I don't consider myself to be able to channel other beings so to speak, I just happen to write what comes to mind and somehow it ends up making sense in a way that helps us view existence with more precise understanding.  My writings come from a Source that is not of me but of a higher plane...a place with more clarity, light, and conviction.  Me, by myself, well I am still learning how to be.  I am still seeking ascension and Love.  But, for some reason I can hear this clarity, light, and conviction from others and translate it into words. 

I hope that what comes through me will help to guide you in your own existence and help you make sense of the why and what and where of this thing called Life.  The truth I want most of all for you to realize however, is that I come before you with absolute Love, at least as much as I can muster because I am still a work in progress.  But I come to help and to serve and to simply be here with you and for you in these times of tremendous shifting and changing.  Please realize I am not a professional writer.  It has also been a LONG time since I've been in school.  There will be typos, bad grammar, mistakes, misspellings, and more. Please know I'm not here to be perfect or to have all my i's dotted and my t's crossed.  I'm here simply to have a dialog with you about the higher things in life, the things that truly matter and drive us as humans.  My hope and desire is that as you read the words that come through me that you will find peace, hope, clarity, light and a true sense of knowingness from within that everything is and always has been okay in all ways, all while doing your best to release and ignore the grammar police. :)

Okay, let us begin...

We are here and We Love you with a magnitude that cannot be fathomable within your 3D reality as of yet.  But know this Love We bring drives all levels and all dimensions.  We speak as one, for that is our reality.  We ARE one.  We come to you now in this time of tremendous growing pains on your planet and in your existence to help you make sense of what is happening and why.  We come to assure you that you are NEVER alone.  If you could only see the help that is surrounding you right now you would be astonished, astounded, and speechless!  Gratitude would fill your being and you would know with no doubt that all is well!  You are surrounded by the Love of those who've gone before you in time and now stand ready to assist you and guide you.  There are beings on your physical dimension that surround your planet and lend their light and knowledge.  There are beings that have relinquished any physical apparatus and who assist you etherally.  There are beings from entirely different and higher dimensions who are reaching down to pull you up.  There are the Ascended Masters who are always at the edge of your consciousness who are guiding you, reminding you, and helping you reach for who it is you really are.  And there is the Voice for God... Spirit, whom is everywhere, in all time, in all dimensions, on all levels, who knows what everything is for and about, who understands every part and multidimension of you, whom is constantly communicating with you in every way imaginable to remind you and return you to being whom you really are.  YOU, our dear beloved Humans, are in good and strong hands.  

Now, it is time for you to begin to trust, not only that everything is okay, but that you are powerful beyond measure and can and will not only weather this shift in planetary consciousness, you will thrive within it. We are here to help you realize how.


 ~ We Love ~ We will return...