Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I sit here poised to begin this new adventure and I feel excitement mixed with fear.  Will I figure this blogging thing out enough to get it into the world?  Will the words come that will help others?  Will anyone notice or care?  Hell, will I simply remember to hit shift to capitalize the word I and realize I can't double space to get a period?(Nope, not on an iPhone anymore, this is real typing! Lol) - But it's not about that is it?  It's not about getting it just right or worrying about how this blog is going to come about or take off.  It's not about me.

Now I've veered off course to get my font personalized and to add some color.  This is okay.  This is important too, this getting things in line, getting comfortable with this venture.  I think I like this font.  Let's try this color...How's this one?  Yes...this is the one.  It is the color of the Violet Flame.  It is the color of the pink flame of Mother and the blue flame of Father God, merged.  I like that.

That is what this blog is going to be about, or who it's from actually.  This blog will be musings from the many and the few...The Mother, the Father, Spirit, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mary; mother of Jesus, Angels, Ascended Masters, the Arcturians, Hathors, Pleiadians, Sirians and maybe others as we go along.  I'm not always made aware of whom the message is from, other times it is crystal clear whom I'm listening too.  When I can I will always try to make you aware of who is speaking.  I know that's important to us.  

I don't consider myself to be able to channel other beings so to speak, I just happen to write what comes to mind and somehow it ends up making sense in a way that helps us view existence with more precise understanding.  My writings come from a Source that is not of me but of a higher plane...a place with more clarity, light, and conviction.  Me, by myself, well I am still learning how to be.  I am still seeking ascension and Love.  But, for some reason I can hear this clarity, light, and conviction from others and translate it into words. 

I hope that what comes through me will help to guide you in your own existence and help you make sense of the why and what and where of this thing called Life.  The truth I want most of all for you to realize however, is that I come before you with absolute Love, at least as much as I can muster because I am still a work in progress.  But I come to help and to serve and to simply be here with you and for you in these times of tremendous shifting and changing.  Please realize I am not a professional writer.  It has also been a LONG time since I've been in school.  There will be typos, bad grammar, mistakes, misspellings, and more. Please know I'm not here to be perfect or to have all my i's dotted and my t's crossed.  I'm here simply to have a dialog with you about the higher things in life, the things that truly matter and drive us as humans.  My hope and desire is that as you read the words that come through me that you will find peace, hope, clarity, light and a true sense of knowingness from within that everything is and always has been okay in all ways, all while doing your best to release and ignore the grammar police. :)

Okay, let us begin...

We are here and We Love you with a magnitude that cannot be fathomable within your 3D reality as of yet.  But know this Love We bring drives all levels and all dimensions.  We speak as one, for that is our reality.  We ARE one.  We come to you now in this time of tremendous growing pains on your planet and in your existence to help you make sense of what is happening and why.  We come to assure you that you are NEVER alone.  If you could only see the help that is surrounding you right now you would be astonished, astounded, and speechless!  Gratitude would fill your being and you would know with no doubt that all is well!  You are surrounded by the Love of those who've gone before you in time and now stand ready to assist you and guide you.  There are beings on your physical dimension that surround your planet and lend their light and knowledge.  There are beings that have relinquished any physical apparatus and who assist you etherally.  There are beings from entirely different and higher dimensions who are reaching down to pull you up.  There are the Ascended Masters who are always at the edge of your consciousness who are guiding you, reminding you, and helping you reach for who it is you really are.  And there is the Voice for God... Spirit, whom is everywhere, in all time, in all dimensions, on all levels, who knows what everything is for and about, who understands every part and multidimension of you, whom is constantly communicating with you in every way imaginable to remind you and return you to being whom you really are.  YOU, our dear beloved Humans, are in good and strong hands.  

Now, it is time for you to begin to trust, not only that everything is okay, but that you are powerful beyond measure and can and will not only weather this shift in planetary consciousness, you will thrive within it. We are here to help you realize how.


 ~ We Love ~ We will return...

1 comment:

  1. This message lifts my heart and gives me so much inspiration and encouragement! Thank you for being a herald for the voice of Truth and Wisdom!
