Friday, September 4, 2015

Standing in this Space of Energy that Feels Almost Confusing

You are finding that you now stand in a space of energy that feels almost confusing.  You're really not sure if you're coming or going.  One moment you feel completely certain and clear on what it is you want and which way to go, only to have your certainty completely disappear the very next moment.  You would feel almost like you are going mad if you weren't so clear on what is happening within you and all around you.  But in spite of this knowing you really aren't sure what to do with yourself right now.  So you sit back, you wait, you think, you dream, you consult your cards, you ask repeatedly "what now, where to," you breathe in meditation waiting for the answer, you walk in Nature, you try to stay in the NOW, you get impatient, you fret and pace, you try to sleep, and eat, and do all the mundane things life requires of you while attempting to live with this unshakeable feeling that you stand in a space of energy that feels almost confusing.  

                           You are in limbo and limbo is not where you want to be. 

You're wondering what is going on.  You've been told that you have succeeded in your endeavor to release, heal, accept, and Love.  You've been assured that through all of your effort you have finally reached the door to ascension and stepped into it.  Supposedly, you have entered into a 5th dimensional consciousness.  Yet in spite of that knowing everything pretty much feels exactly the same.  Nothing has really changed.  Where's the fireworks, you wonder?  Where's the instant infusion of perfection and light?  Surely this is not all there is.  Where's the "something more, the better way?"
You're definitely feeling useless and even a little annoyed right now as you continue to stand in this space of energy that feels almost confusing.  What are you supposed to be doing now that you've arrived?  Surely there has to be more purpose that needs to be fulfilled!  Surely there are tasks that need to be completed!  Why are you standing around not doing anything while everything stays completely the same?  You are certain that you couldn't possibly have finally arrived here just to end up doing nothing.

You don't even remember HOW to do nothing though, do you?  You've been pushing, pulling, scrambling, focusing, and straining for as long as you can remember.  Your entire purpose has been to wake up, release your darkness, accept your shadow, and allow unconditional Love to come forth from within you to Light up Gaia and help her in her own Transformation.  There's always been something you've needed to notice, work on, transmute... and now suddenly here you stand, in a space of energy that feels almost confusing, with nothing to do.

You are in limbo and limbo is not where you want to be.

                   Yet...limbo is exactly where you are and exactly where you need to be.

Okay, you say, your head and heart seeking to accept.  But what should I DO now?

                                    Keep Doing Nothing.  

Yes, you read that right...  

                                     Do Nothing.  

Your purpose as you step through the door into the 5th dimension isn't to immediately immerse yourself into yet more flurries of activity in order to get things done.  You have only one purpose right now and that is to take a deep breath, then another one, and another after that.  This new reality you have stepped into needs your attention to be on you for the "time" Being.  Your particular personality, in your particular body, has never been here before.  You need some time to catch your breath, look around, and feel what this reality wants you to feel. There is no pressure here.  There is no hurry.  There are no more expectations.  You are free from all of those kind of energy patterns.  It is no longer about doing in order to be accepted, feel worthy, or to be Loved.  Acceptance, worthiness, and Love are what this new 5th dimensional energy is all about, and these are the things it wants to share with you so you can begin to feel, assimilate, and understand how this new consciousness you have arrived into operates.  Where you need to place your focus in this Now is not on doing, but on allowing yourself the "time and space" you need in order to learn how to move within a consciousness of Being.  What your Soul has done is to enroll you into the learning experience of how to, "Be what you think you need to Do."

Being what you dream of and wish to see manifest is what you are going to learn now.  This, as you will discover, is no easy task.  It takes a huge shift in consciousness to begin to even understand what Being is. That is what you are up too NOW.  You've made the shift into this consciousness, now it becomes about learning how to be here and begin to use it.

Being requires you to connect within to the core of your Heart space.  This sacred space is where your unique expression of unconditional Love springs forth from.  It takes true, from deep within, unconditional Love to learn how to Be and then to actually BE.  You have not tapped into this source yet and this is why you are feeling this space of energy that feels almost confusing.  You're floating around out here in this new 5th dimensional energy space without having the slightest idea how to operate within it.  The whole of the 5th dimension and beyond is activated from a place of Being.  Nothing else works, nothing else makes sense.  It takes continually tapping into your own unique well of your true unconditional Love expression to begin to feel your way around and land on solid ground. 

The first and most important thing for you to acknowledge and begin to accept is that right now you do not know how to connect within to the core of your Heart space.  In fact you really don't even understand what your Heart space is.  You became conscious of it a little bit when it began to dawn on you, and you then consciously tried to apply the concept into your everyday existence, that Love is All There Is.  Everything else is the illusion.  

But that concept was truly just the tip of the iceberg.  Love is so incredibly consuming and powerful that it is absolutely beyond comprehension.  You will always be learning new aspects of it and choosing new experiences to have within it in order to continually expand your own consciousness and state of Being.  You were created an eternal Being for a reason!  Love wants to be discovered.  It desires to be experienced.  It is everywhere and everything and it is your Soul purpose.  You are never without it in any capacity.  It weaves in and out, over and under, and all around All That Is.  Intertwining itself within the furthest reaches of your innermost Being, pushing outward into the furthest reaches of the Omniverse and beyond.  It is alive, moving, and constantly expanding while at the same time it is a static, unmoving, never changing NOW.  Incomprehensible...but yet so deeply felt that it can and has moved entire mountains.  It can and has softened the most impenetrable forces.  It has shaken YOU and awoken you from a self imposed slumber where you dreamed of illusion and fear.  Now it is going to take hold of you and begin to teach you what it means to connect within to the core of your Heart space.  It is going to pull from deep inside your recessed memories how  to BE what you are most desiring.  It is going to show you how to move your own mountains.  

This is why you are being asked to Do Nothing in this moment.  There is nothing you need to do.  Love is going to do the work for you.  The notion of what it means and how to excercise Beingness is going to well up from inside you and begin to pour out into your outer awareness.  You will feel yourself continue to soften.  Gratitude will become a predominant emotion.  You will appreciate everything your senses show you.  It becomes about Being open to what Love has to teach you.  Did you catch that?  Read it again...It is about Being Open to what Love has come to teach you.

Being open means that you are in a continual state of extending patience and forgiveness to yourself.  You must extend to yourself continual compassion, NOW...because You are going to feel extra acute awareness every time you think you've made a mistake, every time you feel yourself in judgement, and with every angry or fearful moment you experience.  You are going to feel every one of your less than optimal emotions, deeply.  This is part of the process.  Love is working within you at your Heart space to help you feel when you are not in alignment with whom you really desire to be and Who You really Are.

Let's look at this in a practical way by looking at our previous example of being cut off in traffic(Praise and Adoration blog).  Instead, this time the roles are reversed.  This time YOU cut someone off in traffic.  When you pulled in front of this person you were sure you had plenty of room and plenty of space.  The other person did not agree however.  They slowed down and began to honk and shake their fist at you.  "Oh come on!" you yell. "You are fine! The only reason you had to slow down was so you could honk and shake your fist at me. Loser!" For a second that feels good, doesn't it?  After all you are usually the one being cut off!  Then it sinks in.  YOU are usually the one being cut off and that does not feel good.  The way you just made another feel is how you have been made to feel far too many times.  Now you feel guilty.  You feel bad.  You feel extra acute awareness of your less than optimal emotions.  This is it.  This is Love coming from within your Heart Space.  You are Being shown that you are not in alignment with Who You Are.  

Your old 3D patterns would have been to spiral into berating yourself or into justification for your actions.  Either way you didn't feel Joy did you?  There has always been that space within you that wants to Be tapped into unconditional Love, not just for others but for yourself too.  There has always been that space within you that wants to feel Joy.  Now your Soul is bringing experiences to you that will allow you to begin to understand how to do that.  Finally.  This is the energy you will begin to learn how to use in this new 5th dimensional experience.

How then do you deal differently with your residual 3D patterns of berating yourself or justifying your actions?  That is what you are going to learn as you are taught through Love how to Be in your Heart space in a continuous way.  In this particular example a simple but very powerful expression you can extend in the moment is to use your healing method of Ho oponopono.  This is an ancient Hawaiian forgiveness prayer and it is very effective.  Whisper it, out loud or in your mind, it doesn't matter,  with gentleness and sincerity to yourself and to the other person,  "I'm sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.  I love you."    Although it seems simple and small it is gigantic in its power to transform your entire focus.  It clears your subconscious mind so you can better see through the eyes of the Divine and in turn feel from within your Heart space where unconditional, your unconditional, Love resides.  This ancient, Hawaiian prayer is just one of countless ways you are going to learn how to navigate your way here within this 5 dimensional energy.  Your Soul has put you into the amazing and capable hands of Love!  You cannot fail with Love as your teacher.  Not ever, in any way!  That is the promise Love continually extends.

Trust in your Soul.  Trust in its wisdom.  It has brought you to exactly where you need to Be by placing you within this space of energy that feels almost confusing.  For it is here that Love has shown up to begin to teach you from within how to understand and flow from inside  your Heart space.  As you begin to open to the experiences Love brings to you that will help you practice how to Be in this energy, you will slowly begin to notice that this Heart space energy is starting to well up and overflow into your everyday existence transforming it into the "something more, the better way" that you have been searching for all of your life.  You have arrived to exactly where you need to be.  So...Do Nothing...and watch how everything transforms before your very eyes and within the space of your own Heart.

We are here ~ We Love you ~ We will return              




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