Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Power of Imagination, Fifth Dimensional Thought, and Active Love

There are certain times in life when you find yourself nose against a brick wall with no way to turn around.  What you want and where you actually find yourself seem as if they are in total opposition to each other.  
What you want feels to your mind like it's nothing but impossible.  You're aiming for something that is huge, scary even, and in uncharted territory.  You've got big concepts of what it is you want but no clue how to actually begin to implement those thoughts into manifested reality. 
Piled next to what you want is the stark contrast of where you actually find yourself now.  This perceived reality that you are confronted with feels bewildering and almost backward.  This here is clearly not working anymore, it makes no sense that this is where you still find yourself.  Your perceived reality doesn't fit with who you are anymore or with who you are trying to become.  What once felt familiar and comfortable now feels confining and even foreign.  You know you simply can't stay somewhere that does not fit any longer.  Yet, here you stand anyway, confronted with an unmovable brick wall that will not let you move forward.  You know you can't turn around because that is no longer an option.  You've already been there and done that.  Yet, you cannot figure out how to get past the wall  either.  There is no way around it, over it, or under it.  This wall is solid and it is blocking you in every conceivable way.

Confusion runs wild in your mind as you contemplate what to do.  Your thoughts, ideas, and imagination refuse to come into alignment with each other.  In fact it feels like they are battling it out instead of working on solving this dilemma together.  No reliable decisions come forth supplying concrete things to do from within your dueling mind.  Here you are, existing nose against the wall, feeling confused and unsure of what move to make next or even if you should make a move at all.  You're becoming afraid that you are going to be stuck here forever.  This existence is nothing short of paralyzing. 
As you observe your predicament you are lead to the unfortunate conclusion that there is no one else around that can help you either.  Although the other Souls in your life have great intentions, they just don't quite understand your dilemma through their own filter. Their thoughts and ideas on the matter simply don't provide clear cut or solid answers. You've also searched high and low, but there seems to be no "How To" manual, no class to take, and no one whom has written a book pointing the way.  It has become crystal clear that you are in this by yourself and you are the only one whom can get you out of this.  It has come down to relying solely on you.  Great...Gulp.   

It seems you are on your own.   that conclusion the truth?  

             Consider it again.  

                  Are you really on your own?  

                       Thankfully, Gratefully..Not even close.  

Who goes with you wherever you have gone, wherever you are, and wherever you are going?  Who has traveled with you in all your endeavors and adventures from the very beginning? You!  That's right, You.  That You is your multidimensional SELF, the one whom remembers every past thought, action, emotion, and life you've ever had. This is the SELF that knows how to be in and outside of time simultaneously, how to use the light to guide the way, and what it truly means to Love and live within your Heart Space.  This is the SELF that is your best option at this point.  Now is the time as you find yourself before this brick wall to go within and introduce yourself to your multidimensional You, or at least let them introduce themselves to you.  This finding, recovering, and remembering your multidimensional SELF is what your 5th dimensional journey first and foremost is about.  Tapping into the Higher You that is standing by ready, able, willing, and super equipped to deal with every situation in your life is your answer and your ticket to where it is you desire to go.  Take a deep breath now and add a sigh of relief because you've got your multidimensional SELF to rely on. You are far from being on your own anymore or ever again.  

This You whom has always been guiding you behind the scenes and in your peripheral has now completely stepped out of the shadows.  This SELF(capitalized because they are many and varied)is coming forward into your immediate awareness to begin to guide you and teach you how to navigate in this new dimensional reality.  The first matter your multidimensional SELF desires for you to begin to grasp is that this dilemma, this wall that you are nose up against, is not even remotely about turning away from it and going back the way you came, nor is it about throwing your hands up in frustration and giving in to your negative, counterproductive tendencies(reliving the past).  It is also not about trying to  move forward when you clearly cannot, while you also continually bang your head against the wall in fear or anger(projecting yourself into an unknown future).  If those are not options than clearly there must be another way.  And indeed there is.  
Finding and uncovering this alternative way propels you right into the second very huge and important matter your multidimensional SELF desires for you to understand.  This wall that you find yourself nose up against is not there randomly.  It has in fact purposely been placed before you, by You, in order that you may begin to consciously perceive and accept that this wall is in your conscious awareness in order to teach you and awaken you to the magnitude of truth that defines who and what you really are. The utilization of this wall has been about helping you to open up to the magnificent realization and truth about the possibility of what you are truly capable of creating.  The fact is you're multidimensional SELF is going to reveal that not only are you capable of solving the dilemma of this wall, you are capable of moving straight THROUGH it! 
You are going to learn how to transmute the impenetrable wall you're nose up against into an archway of immense possibility in which you are going to be able to burst right through!  

The opportunity is NOW for you to be reintroduced to the glory, the beauty, and the pure magic that is your multidimensional Imagination.  Within a 5th dimensional reality it takes your unlimited imagination to create.  This is because Imagination IS nothing less than 5th dimensional thought!  
Read that again..feel it and let the statement resonate deep within you this time...

              Imagination is 5th dimensional thought. 

Your pure, unfiltered, unbiased, immense, and brilliant multidimensional Imagination is what is going to navigate you through your new home within the 5D reality.  Welcome to what is going to be one hell of an exhilarating, breathtaking, thrilling, and endlessly eye opening ride!

Using your imagination is how you are going to burst through the archway of immense possibility and leave the impassable brick wall behind.  This means at long last you can unabashedly, full on unleash the pure creative thinking ability of your mind.  What is it that you dream of in your quiet moments of contemplation?  What is your bliss?  What lights you up from within and makes you spontaneously smile?  What do you want for yourself that you scarcely allow yourself to dream about?  What is your perfect Life? You've spent so much time simply existing and trying to survive that the probability of truly answering these questions with your pure, unfiltered, unbiased, immense, and brilliant multidimensional Imagination is probably quite low at this NOW.  That, dear ones, is to be expected and it is perfectly okay and perfect in every way.  What this inability to truly dream will do is pull forward something wonderful.  It will pull Love straight up from your Heart Space.  Love has been waiting for this.  Love has been standing by ready for you to desire to tap once again into your true multidimensional Imagination. And now you are aware of this concept, so you can do exactly that.  See?  Perfect!

Being what you dream of and wish to see manifest in your Life is what you are going to learn now.  Imagination is how you allow yourself to Be something before you see it take form in your immediate reality.  Allow yourself to imagine in microscopic detail what it is you are dreaming of.  Remember when you are using your Imagination you are using 5th dimensional thought.  

        And always, in all ways, Thought creates Reality. 

Are you beginning to see?  It is by allowing yourself to release your magnificent and brilliant creative thinking ability that you will begin to create your Highest desires within your manifest reality.  Let yourself begin to dream for yourself unlike you have ever allowed yourself to dream before.  Imagine everything you want for the healing of the situation you are stuck in, or bewildered by, or confused about.  What is it that you really truly desire?  What is the most perfect scenario that you can possibly imagine, having solved your dilemma and reached its outcome?  Imagine it and then step back from it and ask, see, inquire if you can take it even higher and make it even better.  5th dimensional imaginational thought has no limits and no boundaries!  The gift of living the 5th dimensional life is that, literally, you can create exactly what it is you see as being your personal, most perfect reality. 

The key is to be aware and become able to catch yourself thinking about what it is you Do Not want.  You must learn to feel when you are engaged in negative thought patterns that are in the process of creating what you do not desire. This idea of realizing and stepping away from the negative will cause frustration in the beginning.  Expect that it may be difficult at first to turn away from your negative tendencies. What you are setting out to accomplish is the breaking down of ancient negative habits that are deeply ingrained within you.  Often times wallowing around in your negative thought patterns has been a comfort zone of a sort.  It has had a protective layer to it that has shielded you from facing the unknown.  In the past the unknown has often meant danger. It has been easier just to use the negative thought patterns to keep you in safety than it has been to step outside of your comfort zone to truly begin to dream about what it is you really wish you had.  You are safe now however.  You have left that 3rd dimensional energy behind and it is safe for you to begin to let down your guard and really begin to tap into and imagine the most lofty, out there, seemingly impossible dreams for yourself that you can conjure up.

Trust Love to be your teacher.  It will show you how to transmute your negative thought patterns into imagining what it is you are truly desiring for yourself.  Remember Love is going to do the work.  Love will rise up from within you and begin to teach you that Being what you dream and wish to see manifest through the power of Imagination is squarely within the realm of the archway of immense possibility. Being what you dream simply requires that you connect within to the core of your Heart Space. Imagination is how you will do that.  When you are unleashing your Imagination and pulling forth the highest ideals your creative mind can think up, Love will grab hold of it from within your Heart Space and begin to transform your imagination into concrete reality.  That is what Imagination and Love merged together creates.  Imagination is Active Love manifesting into form. That statement absolutely bears repeating just to make sure you feel it and allow it to resonate within your Heart Space...

      Imagination is Active Love Manifesting into Form.

Isn't that an incredibly beautiful statement?  Doesn't it make you excited to let your imaginative juices flow? Allowing yourself to believe this imaginative concept will create nothing short of sheer Joy!  

So here you are, safely within the 5th dimensional realm of reality poised to launch yourself through your Imagination into the archway of immense possibility, which will end up becoming the most incredible and joyous experience of all your experiences so far.  You have your many and varied multidimensional SELF behind you, guiding you.  Love has come to do the heavy labor.  And your Imagination is set to come alive and set itself on fire.  You are in such a wonderful and encouraging place NOW.  You are going to do this.  That is a promise.  It will take some practice, but it will be the most exhilarating and rewarding learning experience you have ever had to practice.  

Above all else truly understand this... Imagining what is your loftiest Joy, what is a truly blissful Life for you is SELF Love of the Highest and Mightiest kind.  This is a kind of Love that radiates out from within your Heart Space and will, without any kind of doubt, alchemize from Imagination right into Form that is here NOW.  Release your Imagination.  Let it run wild.  Allow yourself to believe that what is your dream for yourself can and will become manifest through the amazing and beautiful power of Active Love.  Through the Power of Imagination merged with Active Love the wall will disappear.

Imagine...Imagine it all... Imagine it All comes from Active Love...Imagine it all comes from You.

We are here ~ We Love You ~ We will Return...


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